Become an SEO Expert for Your Brand
Before you hire an “SEO Expert,” you should learn how to become an SEO Expert for your creative brand. Search engine optimization (SEO) is not hard. However, it’s complex and layered. When you approach SEO from this perspective, you’ll have better results and improve your rankings across all search engines.
Rethinking SEO for Creative Brands
Too often, creatives only think of pure search engines, like Google and Bing when they are improving their website SEO. That’s a fallacy. While Google and Bing are the most used search engines, they are not the only sites that people search. In fact, people use different search engines based on the nature of their query. For example, Amazon is a search engine. Pinterest is a visual search engine. Even more, eBay and Etsy are search engines. The second ranked search engine is YouTube. So, your content needs to be optimized for discovery by the appropriate search tool.
SEO is Built on Understanding Keyword Phrases
Finally, how people search is evolving. It’s no longer about keywords. People ask questions in phrases. Many popular search queries have the phrase, “near me,” in them. What does that tell you?
First, it should give you insight that searchers are looking for location-based results. So are you optimizing your website for your local area? Secondly, the phrase “near me” also suggests that these searches are mobile in origin. Meaning, people are making these searches from a mobile device that has a GPS. Is your website optimized for mobile? Finally, the last piece that we can glean from the phrase “near me” is that the searches are most likely voice requests and not typed searches. Have you produced content optimal for voice search?
Your Brand Needs a Content Marketing Strategy
By now, you should begin to see that SEO is still about great content. As the saying goes, “Content Is (Still) King!” So, instead of stuffing your web pages with keywords, write great content. It’s really that simple. Moreover, don’t write for search engines. Create your content for humans. Search engine algorithms are focused on how real people search. So, you should write for real people. More than text content, discover other ways to create rich content that search engines can index (e.g. images, video, podcasts, slides, etc.)
Becoming an SEO Expert Starts with Google’s Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner is a free tool from the search giant to help you understand competitive phrases in search. So what makes a phrase or term competitive? Well, the more popular a search phrase becomes the more competitive it will be for ads. However, while search engines want to sell ads, more than anything they want to serve up great content. Use Keyword Planner to discover what phrases have low to medium competitiveness. These are terms that your content can rank for faster.
Don’t Take a Set It and Forget It Approach to SEO
SEO is a journey. It’s not a once you do SEO, you’re done. As you build out your content marketing strategy, SEO should be embedded into it. More than search engine optimization, think Search and Social Engagement Optimization—The NEW SEO. Build your content marketing across your audience engagement channels. Once you build an integrated narrative, you will amplify your storytelling efforts and build your brand organically!
Use SEO to increase your organic traffic to your website. More free traffic saves you money on ads and advertising.
Add SEO Expertise to Your Superpowers
As I began, SEO is not hard. It’s layered and complex. It’s takes time and planning. There are a few ways that MADEGRANDBYCAM can help you build your brand organically with SEO:
- Register and attend our MOMENTUM BRANDING+ Workshops for SEO
- Book your Immortal Branding Transcendence engagement with Cam Evans.
- Subscribe to our Newsletter to keep updated on the NEW SEO for your creative branding.
As your SEO expertise matures, showcase your work in the comments below. I would love to see your website and understand your brand story! Feel free to ask questions and leave your SEO comments.
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[…] can read more about Becoming your own SEO Expert in my previous article. However, there are simple tells on your website that suggest whether […]