M◯MENTUM Collective
Phoenix • Dallas-Fort Worth • Atlanta
We’re excited about the learning experiences that MADEGRANDBYCAM is providing for creatives. Like the Medici family, we recognize that innovation only happens in the intersection of creative people. The M◯MENTUM COLLECTIVE meets in-person, online, and very soon in VR! This community is for content entrepreneurs and marketers. Join us and build your M◯MENTUM. (#CREATIVEPRONEURS.)
Facebook Group - Members Only
Welcome to our M◯MENTUM Facebook Group. We created this members-only group to provide follow-up conversations and Facebook Live events for Workshop Attendees, Educators, and our Creative Teams. Once you’re registered and attended a M◯MENTUM Event, you can join this group. Share and learn best practices to make your creative business more incredible!
LinkedIn Group — Creative Professionals
We made the M◯MENTUM LinkedIn Group for our creative professionals and entrepreneurs. Collectively, we call them #Creativeproneurs. These are the vanguards of the next shift. They work inside and outside organizations driving innovation, disrupting industries, creating desire, and delighting customers. You must be on LinkedIn to join. Bring your awesome and let’s raise the bar for creative entrepreneurs!
Meetup Group - Business Community
Welcome to our M◯MENTUM Meetup. We created this creative group to provide In-Real Life (IRL) Meetups and Live events for creative professionals and entrepreneurs. It’s easy to join the M◯MENTUM MAKERS on Meetup! Share and learn best practices to make your creative business more incredible!
Sign up to receive M◯MENTUM updates and news
Sign up here to receive occasional emails to let you know about updates and special offers. You can also look forward to our fantastic M◯MENTUM Spotlight newsletter containing useful tutorials, inspiration and freebies to help you gain the most M◯MENTUM.