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TFP Modeling #madegrand

Build your iconic portfolio with model testing and TFP work from MADEGRANDBYCAM.

Defining TFP for Models and Photographers

Throughout the photography and modeling industry, creative people connect and collaborate to produce works that enable the collective group to do the impossible and the improbable with their collective talents.

What Does TFP Mean in Modeling

A TFP Photo Shoot stands for Time for Prints. Other names for TFP  are “Trade for Prints,” “Time for Pictures,” “Test for Prints,” or simply, “Trade.” TFP work can help you build a diverse portfolio images so that you can get you paid work.

In TFP shoots, the model, exchanges your model time for portfolio images. While there is no direct compensation, no one works for free. By pooling resources, the cost of production is shared and the final images are shared with the collective.

Meet your Photographer

CAM EVANS, MBA is an award-winning, internationally published photographer in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Cam shoots with studio strobes and natural light portraits on-location and in studio. Level up your Model Book with iconic images.

Build a Professional Portfolio

In practice, photographers don’t share any physical prints. Instead, models, makeup artists, stylists, retouch artists, and hair stylists received the final images as high-resolution digital prints for non-commercial use in their portfolio or social media.

The photographer retains the sole ownership of the copyright and all reproductive rights to any of the images created. A signed modeling/talent release is required before any images are produced.

TFP Model Collaborations

My approach to TFP is straight-forward. I shoot a maximum of two TFP shoots each month. The creative is based on visual themes that I develop. I shoot subjects that are not prominent in my current portfolio or product offerings.

Creative collaboration is super critical. I’m always looking for fashion designers, wardrobe stylist, hair stylist, makeup-artists, bodypainting artists, and set designers. These projects are collaborative from start to finish. This is a team effort to make our collective best showcase.

Why Shoot TFP As A Model

  • Build your experience. Each stage of the shoot is crafted to ensure that the final digital prints are amazing.
  • Get vibrant images. You’ll have an opportunity to learn and push your own creative limits.
  • Expand your network. This is the creative relationship that you’ll treasure for years.
Check This Out

Discovering Model Casting Opportunities

We publish our #madegrand projects in |nsights Magazine. You’ll also be able to see stories to keep you in the loop. Subscribe to |nsights or follow MADEGRANDBYCAM on social media to get notifications of new #madegrand Projects.

Direction + Posing
Turn Good Ideas to Epic Shots
Cover-Worthy Images
Turn Your Feed Up 10X
Modern Looks
Timeless and Modern Folio
Unrivaled Production
The Joyful Portrait Experience

TFP Model Casting Opportunities

Here's a short list of current creative projects @madegrandbycam. New projects are in-development all the time, send a message to find out about new creative.

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Model Testing Shoot Application

Get Ready to Upgrade Your Model Book with Epic Looks!