Our team has many skills so we’re able to offer a wide array of services. In the course of doing business, we believe that protecting the intellectual property that we create and privacy of our clients and models cannot be compromised.
As a digital creative agency, we have taken extra measures to protect your communication through this website with SSL encryption. Additionally, all sites, data, and media content that we create is archived routinely to ensure high-availability. Please review the briefings below to learn more.
MGXC continues to make ongoing investments to protect your data and shared content with the highest security measures available. You can rest assured that we want to maintain and continually grow your confidence in our service to you.
Privacy Statement
We don’t collect any customer data for resale, re-use, or modification by any third-party for commercial use. Period.
We only share the limited data needed with our partners necessary to deliver the services and products our clients desire.
Intellectual Property
As a content creator and commercial artist, we vigorously protect our copyrights, trademarks, brands, and creative works. Additionally, all models and property owners are required to sign releases. For commercial and retail clients, print releases are available for commissioned work.
Studio Etiquette & Conduct
Our private atelier is state-the-art and a wonderful creative space. So that you can get the most of your creative visit, please review our Etiquette & Conduct policy.
Social Media Sharing
Publishing to social media is great way to amplify brand awareness and build strong relationships. We have published helpful tips to ensure your social media sharing of MGXC content hits the mark.
Terms & Conditions
Transparency is the key to any great relationship. Our Terms and Conditions for Photography and Creative Services are available so that you and MGXC can move at the speed of trust.