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Become a World-class Model

Posing & Expression

Study the greatest supermodels of all time and you’ll find they have these things in common—they connect emotion with anatomy to compel desire. Models ultimately serve a singular person—to make the audience want. Want another product…another partner…another career…another life. The supermodels do this in a single frame. Are you ready?

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Re-framing Imagination

Makeup & Retouching

Getting your hair and makeup right is only the beginning of the storytelling. The artistry of hair & makeup must blend with the retouch artist’s brush to complete the story arc from with a climatic flourish.

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Alchemy of Greatness

Styling & Looks

Crafting a look and sculpting the light to bring that story to forefront is both craft and artistry. Every model plays an essential role in making this connection more impacting. Let’s discover how to produce greatness.

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