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We Have Your Application. Here’s What to Expect Next…
Step #1: Watch This Now: This is Why I’m So PASSIONATE About Helping You to Spread Your Message.
First: we have received your application, and in the next 24-48 hours I will be reviewing and pre-approving application.
Second: If I pre-approve your application, then you will get a call from one of our Marketunists. Our seers are highly-skilled business professionals. They will be able to look at your goals, your plan to get there, and see if Paragon Positioning will be a good fit for you.
Third: You should have an email right now with the Advance Preview for Paragon Positioning. Dive into it now and start learning so you’ll be ready when we call!
Step #2: Jump To Front Of The Line – Call Us NOW!

We often receive 50 – 100 applications per day. We will review your application and if we think you’re fit, we’ll give you a call to setup a full interview.

If you know that this is something that must happen now, then you can be proactive. Call to setup your interview now. Here’s our direct number:

1 (469) 844-8845

This doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be accepted. However, it’ll give you a chance to start the process immediately. So, give us a call now!