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Oprah Winfrey

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Oprah Winfrey

Inspiring Words from Oprah Winfrey

I’ve watched Oprah Winfrey all of my life. She’s one of my favorite people. When she speaks about true passion, I listen.
Your true passion should feel effortless. When you’re fulfilling your purpose, it doesn’t feel like work.

Getting to the Heart of Oprah’s Encouragement

Your true passion will flow out of you. However, doesn’t mean it will be easy-going. Another word for passion is suffering.

What will you suffer to do?

You can make the suffering bearable. When you’re not making money and you’re doing great work, that’s true passion. If I see you doing great things when no one is looking, that’s your true passion.

Talk Back To Me

Again, what will you suffer to do? Are you serious about the life you desire? Have you discovered your true passion? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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Cam Evans, MBA, Photographer
Cam Evans, MBA, Photographer

Interested in having Cam Evans keynote your conference and share his journey for your audience? Cam Evans is one of the most sought-after speakers in the United States for his uncanny ability to connect with his audience, challenge their reality, and become their Sherpa for their next level.  You can message Cam on Messenger to discuss your audience needs and your event direction right now.
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