Headshot & Personal Brand Photography
[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_btn size=”jumbo” button_style=”see-through” button_color_2=”extra-color-gradient-2″ icon_family=”none” url=”https://madegrandbycam.com/photography/professional-headshots/headshot-portrait-reservations/” text=”BOOK MY HEADSHOT”]
Immortal Headshots
[nectar_gradient_text heading_tag=”h1″ color=”extra-color-gradient-2″ gradient_direction=”diagonal” text=”Build Your Influence • Expand Your Brand”]Immortal Headshots are cover-worthy portraits for professionals that need to connect, stand out, and activate their audience. Immortal Headshots help you build a distinct and compelling brand. Your imagery, far more than your words, will entice people to click and convert. Don’t be boring. Avoid being basic. We take a holistic approach to personal brand photography to build your Immortal Headshot folio.
Your Modern Headshots
Think beyond your profile for LinkedIn, Facebook, or Etsy. We create looks that compel your audience to click and convert.[/fancy_box]
Your Brand Portraits
Create immersive connections for your fans with on brand portraits, Day-in-the Life, and VR tours to increase your engagement.[/fancy_box]
Your Content Marketing
In one day, we can produce a 30-day creative portfolio for your content marketing calendar and core brand assets.[/fancy_box]
Your Brand Channels
From speaker posters to video channels, we build and optimize your entire brand photography for omnimedia engagement.[/fancy_box]
Headshot Experience
Inside Your Headshot Experience
We’ve developed the Immortal Headshot™ experience to be more than your typical portrait session. This is a business development session with an industry veteran and educator. During your Immortal Headshot, you’ll have an opportunity to talk directly with Cam Evans about your business. He’s going to continually calibrate your images to resonate well with your audience and business goals. Click here to learn more about your Immortal Headshot—MADEGRANDBYCAM.
Known Quantity
[nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” highlight_color=”#ff1053″ style=”half_text”]Conformity is Dead. Brand Your Uniqueness.
Immortal Headshots is your professional headshot and brand folio for print, digital, and video. It's an investment in your business development, brand assets, and content marketing. Use your Immortal Headshots to tell your brand story, build business momentum, and mobilize your audience.
Business Owners
The future belongs to the people who make things and make shit happen! Let's go!
Content Creators
Your social influence is changing the way people do business. Elevate your visual voice!
Real Estate Professionals
Real Estate is evolving. We're elevating RE Professional Brands for YOY top producer status!
Entertainment Industry
Your career needs a rebrand to reach your next level. We make you the "MOST YOU!"
Headshot Products
Cover-Worthy and Publication-Ready
Our experiences with personal branding and photography has driven us to rethink headshot photography from a product-first perspective. Digital prints are often unfinished works. Our clients need products that are optimized for multiple platforms and print media. Our products are focused on print, social, video, and content marketing. Click here to learn more about Immortal Headshots Products.
Heroes & Legends
[nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” highlight_color=”#ff1053″ style=”half_text”]What are your super powers? Why do clients love you?
We’re in the midst of a creative renaissance. Everyone is adding her voice, talent, and content to global conversations. Building your brand is no longer a luxury. It’s a mission-critical asset to growing your bottom-line. If you have an audience on any network, you must develop and execute your content marketing strategy. Content marketing transforms your personal brand into an experience.
Headshot Inspiration
What Makes A Great Professional Headshot?
We’re not inspired by ordinary. We draw our inspiration from a variety of industries, non-traditional artists, and our innovation Wellspring. The brands that endure are unforgettable, desirable, and constantly renewing themselves. Cam is constantly innovating to keep looks fresh and modern. Click here to see our Immortal Headshot Inspiration.
Book Your Immortal Headshot Experience
Headshots Sessions and Information
Our most popular Immortal Headshot Experiences are listed. The starting price for your creative session is listed below. Click here to see our products for Immortal Headshot Branding.
Immortal Headshots — Professional Experience — $500¹
The Professionals Sessions only takes 30 minutes. This is an ideal experience for professionals just starting to build their personal brand and want to start strong.
[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”see-through” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=13935759&appointmentType=3593430″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”” text=”BOOK PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOT” color_override=”#f6653c”]
Immortal Headshots — Maven Experience — $1250¹
The Maven Experience only takes 90 minutes. This is the perfect creative experience for individuals that need a folio of images to develop their personal brand.
[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”see-through” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=13935759&appointmentType=3593421″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer” text=”BOOK MAVEN HEADSHOT” color_override=”#f6653c”]
Immortal Headshots — Day In the Life Experience
The Day In the Life Experience provides a full 8-hour day. This experience provides intimate documentary style photography from the start of your day to conclusion. This portfolio is great for your Stories, Features, and Content Marketing assets.
[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”see-through” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”https://m.me/madegrandbycam” text=”LET’S CHAT LIFE” color_override=”#f6653c”]
Immortal Headshots — Enclave Experience
The Enclave Experience is for teams, companies, and events. This experience creates a cohesive brand folio that celebrates your culture and while expanding your brand universe.
[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”see-through” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”https://m.me/madegrandbycam” text=”LET’S CHAT ENCLAVE” color_override=”#f6653c”]
¹A professional hair and makeup stylist can be added to each session. Please indicate your preference when booking. Please note that fees for hair and makeup are paid directly to the stylists during the session.
Immortal Styling
Headshot & Personal Branding Style Guide[/fancy_box][nectar_btn size=”jumbo” button_style=”see-through” button_color_2=”Extra-Color-1″ icon_family=”none” url=”https://madegrandbycam.com/photography/professional-headshots/headshot-portrait-reservations/” text=”BOOK IMMORTAL HEADSHOT BRANDING SESSIONS”]